Station Updates: Aspen + Basalt

In light of an unusual season with no large events and changed commuting patterns plus the need to create more space for riders to safely dock bikes, you’ll notice that our stations have been consolidated and others have grown in size. Check out the maps and commentary below for more details:
ASPEN: The Smuggler | Centennial Station moved closer to Centennial (no excuses now single occupancy drivers of Centennial, Upper Hunter Creek, and Aspen Trailer Park). With no Aspen School and Music Festival this year, we’ve removed the Benedict Music Tent and the Marolt Station. The West End can be accessed via bike at the West End station on Gillespie and 4th. In response to reduced ARC activity WE’ve also removed the ARC and Roundabout.
To follow City of Aspen transportation openings and service changes, visit,
BASALT: WE’ve expanded stations with higher ridership including the School | Devon Station and Two Leaves and Bud Station moved across the street to the Basalt Fire Station (thanks for the support, Basalt & Rural Fire Protection District!). These station expansions were made possible by removing less-used stations, including Elk | Wren and Basalt Library.
EL JEBEL + WILLITS: In Basalt, JW Drive Station was moved down to El Jebel Road (next to Memorial Field). El Jebel BRT Downvalley has also moved even closer to the bus stop. In the Willits area, WE added capacity to Evans Road and MidValley Medical Center. Mid-valley Medical Center also moved across the road to be closer to the BRT Station.