Snowmass Village: June 15

Bike Share in Snowmass Village

The Snowmass Village System will debut in mid-June with 15 shared WE-cycles and two, 15 dock stations. The Snowmass WE-cycle System is designed with the specific purpose of connecting the residential complex of Club Commons to Town Park’s RFTA bus stop. 

The Club Commons-Town Park route is an ideal location to pilot bike share in Snowmass Village as the distance is less than one-half mile, relatively flat, and can be biked in a few minutes. The Club Commons residents have demonstrated a consistent and avid use for transit with the Town Park RFTA stop being one of the top 20 utilized stops in the valley. With 300 residents, approximately 40% of whom don’t own cars, we anticipate frequent ridership to and from the bus stop at varying times of the day due to the nature of seasonal employment.

The infrastructure for the Snowmass System is being funded by the Town of Snowmass Village and the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority. Annual operations will be funded by the Elected Officials Transportation Commission and private sponsors.

Aspen Skiing Company will sponsor the Club Commons Station at its employee residences. The Club Commons team has shared enthusiasm for providing residents with further transportations options, and have been a huge support in the system launch. Aspen Valley Hospital will become the first WE-cycle sponsor to feature in 3 systems with their yellow fenders in Basalt and Snowmass Village and bike basket sponsorship in Aspen. Limelight Hotels secured all the bike baskets in Snowmass and we’re excited to showcase their contributions to bikeshare in the Roaring Fork Valley and point people to their newest hotel in the Base Village complex.

The new Snowmass System is intended to be a valuable community amenity to local residents and to encourage multi-modal transportation in the area. It is not intended for commuting to Brush Creek intercept lot, or for e-bikes to be included in the pilot program.

Let us know what you think and we’d love to hear your thoughts and any ideas for further expansion opportunities!